Yard Signs

What materials are your yard signs made from?

  • Our yard signs are typically made from corrugated plastic (Coroplast), known for its durability, weather resistance, and lightweight properties, making it ideal for both short-term and long-term outdoor use.

Can yard signs be printed on both sides?

  • Yes, we offer both single-sided and double-sided printing options for yard signs to maximize visibility from multiple directions.

What is the standard size for a yard sign?

  • The most common size for yard signs is 24 inches by 18 inches, but we offer a variety of sizes and can accommodate custom dimensions based on your needs.

How do I install my yard sign?

  • Yard signs can be easily installed with metal H-stakes or wire stands that insert into the bottom of the sign and then into the ground, providing stability and visibility at lawn level.

Are your yard signs weather-resistant?

  • Yes, our yard signs are designed to withstand various weather conditions, including rain, sunlight, and moderate winds, thanks to the durable Coroplast material.

How long do yard signs typically last outdoors?

  • With proper care and under normal weather conditions, our yard signs can last anywhere from 1 to 2 years. Longevity can vary based on direct sunlight exposure, extreme weather, and handling.

Can I customize the shape of my yard sign?

  • While we primarily offer rectangular yard signs, we can accommodate custom shapes to a certain extent. Please contact us with your specific requirements for more information.

What is the turnaround time for custom yard signs?

  • The standard turnaround time for yard signs is typically 3-5 business days after design approval, excluding shipping times. Rush options may be available upon request.

Do you offer bulk discounts for yard sign orders?

  • Yes, we offer volume discounts for large orders of yard signs. The discount rate increases with the quantity ordered, making it cost-effective for campaigns or business promotions.

How should I design my yard sign for the best visibility?

  • Use large, bold fonts and contrasting colors to ensure your message is readable from a distance. Keep the design simple and focused on the key message for the best impact.

For more information, project consultations, or to place an order:

  • Phone: (832)-945-5502
  • Email: Sales@showoffyourthreads.com
  • Visit: Our website or store for an in-depth overview of our services and to initiate your project.

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